Order your meals today and use these Pop Meals promo codes to gain extra discounts.

Without using the Pop Meals codes, You can save more by trying these saving hacks today:
1. Invite your friends and get free food
You can try to invite your friends to order their meal from Pop Meals with a Pop Meals promo code from you! To get this code, go to the promo section from your mobile app and tap on the "Invite friends & get free food" banner. Share the unique code with your friends, and they will get an RM18 OFF discount for their first order.
Subsequently, you will earn RM24 for your first invited friend and RM10 for the next successful invites.
2. Use contactless payment
Use Pop Wallet for your order transactions, and it is very easy to use. Cancellations can be refunded straight to your wallet rather than waiting for it to be transferred back into your card. You should also practice contactless payment as much as you can during this uncertain time.