Order delivery service today and use Lalamove promo codes or try these saving hacks to save more.
If Lalamove voucher codes are not available this month, You can save more by checking out these saving tips right now:
1. Protect your goods
If you are moving any valuable items, always purchase Lalamove insurance. Depending on the goods value, insurance costs between RM4 to RM200. Some things such as cash securities, prohibited goods, and metals are not entitled to insurance.
2. Use the Buy4U service
Buy4U service is Lalamove's new service introduced in April 2020. You can ask Lalamove to get your groceries and have them delivered right to your doorstep. Lalamove drivers are trained and always follow the safety measures against COVID-19.
3. Opt to Lalabag for temperature-sensitive goods
Foods & drinks are temperature sensitive, so if you want it to be delivered with their taste and quality maintained, it is necessary to add-on the Lalabag service where the driver will put the goods in their insulated bag for temperature control.
4. Deliver the Frozen Items
If you need to deliver frozen goods such as meats, fishes and others, you can order Lalamove Cold Truck, which is only available for 1-Ton Lorry & 3-Ton Lorry services.