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Call of Duty Mobile: Gold Camo Hacks, Tips & Strategies

Writer's picture: Leonardus Louis DLeonardus Louis D

Updated: Jan 24, 2021

Some people dream of having sports cars or big houses. But for the fans of Call of Duty Mobile, we only have a simple dream: to own the fierce-looking Damascus skinned weapons or fabulous Diamond camo weapons.

But similar to other dreams, we need to work hard to achieve them. We have to first grind our mission for each of our primary and secondary weapons to get the fancy-looking Gold Camo and let us be honest; it was not easy. It took dedication, diligence, patient, and skills to complete these tasks.

For your information here is the list of completionist skins and how to get them:

  • Gold Camo: Finish all of the weapon mission or unlock all of the other grindable camos

  • Platinum Camo: Collect Gold Camo under one weapon category (e.g. Collect all gold shotguns to unlock platinum shotguns.

  • Damascus Camo: Collect all of the Gold Camo

  • Diamond Weapon: Complete a number of kills within a round (You need to unlock gold camo first)

It sounds like a lot of work, is not it? It does not matter what your goal is; you will need to unlock that Gold Camo first, and we at Savezone wanted to share the 5 must-know tips for you to save more time and energy to achieve that:

1. Focus on weapons' level grinding

If you have a double EXP card, you should use it often! The first step is to grind the level of your weapons, and you can do it faster by stacking the double exp card you have. There is 2 type of double exp card:

  • Double weapon XP card for 24 hours

  • Double weapon XP card for 10 games

These two cards can be stacked together and will give you up to 3x weapons exp for your matches. It would be best if you focused on playing Multiplayer matches instead because you can get more kills than in Battle Royale, which resulted in higher weapon exp. Once you have finished 10 games, remember to use another 10 games double exp card if you are planning to continue.

Your goal here is simple, is to grind until you unlock (Not to complete) the Reptile Collection Camo tasks.

Shift to other weapons once you have reached that level requirement.

Some of the players are using this method to grind up to Jungle collection camo with the thought of reaching the last required level from mission grinding (Finishing the unachieved task). But this is very inefficient because you are already at a high level and require more exp from the mission grind.

2. Secondary Weapon Standing by: Launcher

Remember that you need to unlock the gold camo of secondary weapons too to get a Damascus skin. But this can be rather difficult when you want to get it for your launchers, the FHJ-18 & SMRS. Why? it is because the tasks given are purely situational; It requires you to shoot down other scorestreaks such as UAV, Sentry Gun, XS1 Goliath, and VTOL.

Always keep a launcher with you

The tricks here are:

  • Keep at least one FHJ-18 or SMRS in one of your loadouts

  • Always play the Rapid Fire Match whenever it is available. Having VTOL appear in a normal multiplayer match is quite rare

  • Always choose XS1 Goliath & Care Package (Possibility to unlock VTOL) as scorestreaks, target it to the ground for the opponent team to use it, shoot them down with your launchers afterward

Always pay attention whenever your opponent turn on any scorestreaks, we advise you to prioritise your launchers before your primary weapons.

3. The Kill / Grind Map

Whenever you are doing a level-grinding or mission grinding that requires kills, hip-fire, or headshots, do it in Hardpoint mode on the map Shipment 1994! This is very important to know because:

  • Hardpoint took longer time to finish, so you do not waste your 10 games EXP Card so soon

  • The map is small, the chances of getting headshots from hip-fire or scoping are high

  • If you are in a match versus bots, you can study their spawn pattern efficiently and grind that kills

But if you want to grind for longshots, we are recommending a different map.

4. The longshot tricks

The most recommended map for you to grind your longshots is on the Rust (Hardpoint Match), there are 3 secret spots you should always stand on and aim at, take a look at the pictures below:

These are the secret spots for you to get that longshot quickly! And if you are good at aiming, you can score some headshots too!

5. The snipers little secret

If you are wondering why you are not getting that longshot points after successful ranged kills with a sniper, it is because you need to know this formula:

Longshot = One Shot One Kill + Range

This means that you need to have a "longshot headshot" or "longshot instant kill" for your longshots to be counted. Sometimes killing an already damaged opponent is also not counted as a longshot kill.

This will be problematic for 2 of your snipers, the NA-45 & M21-EBR which require on average two shots to kill, so you will need to put damage increasing ammunitions on your weapon and aim for headshots for instant kills.

By mastering these 5 points, you can get your Gold Camos or even Damascus weapon easily! We have a few players using these tricks and unlock their Damascus weapons in less than 3 weeks. But no matter how much time you are spending on getting that Gold Camos, the most important things are your health and wellbeing, so eat well and remember to take a break in between.

FYI: If you have not started playing COD Mobile yet, download it now here.


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